Tuesday, 23 August 2011

A Positive Thing that I'm Going to do during the Mid-Semester Break is......

Mid Semester Break!!!!!! 

                At last you had arrived. For those who doesn’t know about this term, let me elaborate on this. Mid semester break is a holiday on the middle of the semester. Ussually student are given a maximum two weeks break, but this differs according to campus. 

              For all MICETIAN, we are given semester break for one week. Besides that, the administrator of our campus had choose the date where student able to celebrate Hari Raya thus have a mid semester break. What a wonderful holiday!!!

              But...seems like, not everybody have the chance to feel the holiday and celebrate Hari Raya with their love one. This is because, they have a “tones” of homework given by lecturer and need to be done during the holiday. 

               Despite that, a bundle of test awaiting them after the mid semester break. In order to pass all the test pepper with flying color, all these pity student has to sacrifice their joy of having holiday in this given break.OK…so,regarding the topic that been has given, which is, ‘A positive thing that im going to do during the mid-semester break’, I would like to state all the possible positive thing that im going to do on this semester break :

  1. I would like to meet all my relative and ask their forgiveness which is the main tradition during Hari Raya.
  2. I would like to spent more time with my beloved parents.
  3. I would have one day of having my homework done, so that I could enjoy my holiday. Despite that I also had to choose one day for study purpose.
  4. Helping my relatives which consists of my aunt, uncle and grandparents on decorating the house. This is also a tradition that Malaysian people had practice on celebrating the “EID MUBARRAK”.
  5. Announcement of the date of hari raya has been made, which is on the 30th of August. This mean, the day after Hari Raya is our national day.
  6. As a citizen of this beautiful country, I would like to do something that considered as a contribution to my beloved country
  7. I would help the citizen of my village decorating our village with our proud flag. Besides that, I would join them on the patriotic assembly and also participate the patriotic choir.
  8. I also gonna build the spirit of patriotism in my family especially to my small cousins. By doing this, I could show them that, we are all consider lucky to have our own country and thus we have to love our country as it is.
  9. In order to show our appreciation to our country, I would like to gather all my family and organize a ‘gotong-royong’ activity. To show that we loe our country, first we have to make sure that our country is clean.
  10. Finally, I would keep this beautiful memory of having our National Day on Hari Raya as a sweet memory, and thus continuing my study and hoping that one day I would contribute something big to my beloved country, MALAYSIA……
Thank you.

       Wan Retard            

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