Friday, 5 August 2011

The Loving Journey of ln + sin + cos + tan [Part 1]

               I am sure that all of you have heard about these terms. We could find these terms in Mathematics. However, this is not the thing that I am going to discuss here because the main story that I would like to share with you is about my pet which is a cat named ln and its three little kids called sin, cos and tan. 

                You would definitely feel strange and might even wonder why they are all given such names. So, the story began when a homeless cat which was pregnant came to my house and was looking for food. At that particular time, my housemates were doing some revisions on Mathematics but they got disturbed by the cat which kept on making sounds...meow, meow, meow to indicate that it was hungry. Initially, my housemates ignored it because they wanted to focus on their revisions but later on the stronger the sounds became, they decided to open the door and took it into the house and gave it some food to eat and they continued their revisions after that. 

                After a while, the cat had finished eating its food and suddenly it came towards my housemates and was trying to be friendly and get pampered from them. Nevertheless, the cat had mistakenly pressed the buttons of one of my housemates’ calculator. My friend quickly pulled his calculator back from the cat and at that time he saw that it was stated on the screen “ln”. 

               Then, he asked the cat to not disturb him, he said, “Do not disturb me! I want to focus on my studies.” However, the cat didn’t response to him as if it didn’t understand what he was saying. Then, my friend said, “Do not disturb me ln, I want to focus on my studies.” Surprisingly, the cat immediately sat down on the floor observing my friend who was studying. Therefore, starting from that day, the cat got its name, “ln”. 

               Now, ln has got its own kids which I named them as sin, cos and tan just to relate to one of the theories in Mathematics like how their mother got her own name. ln and its children now are living happily with my housemates and I. THEY become part of my family and I am very happy to see them growing and playing among themselves.

So, that's all about my story for PART 1. I will post PART 2 later. 

Happy Reading !

                                   (A single mother. She have three little kids named sin, cos and tan)

                                                                                    (Skinny and inactive kitten)

                                                                                         (Fat and energetic)

                                                                                              (Cute and active)
                                      THEY become part of my family.

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